Saturday, May 26, 2012


A Hmong boy,
born in the old country,
transplanted to this new land,

all he wanted to do
was run
& play soccer,

raise chickens
& organize cockfights,
roam the woods

& hunt squirrels, swimming
& fishing
in mountain lakes.

But life was quickly passing him by:
she was beautiful
and fading away.

She focused on school,
went to college,
got herself a career.

And if he wanted her
to wait for him
then he had to catch up quickly.

So he also went to college
and pretended to care
for the liberal arts,

experimented with the sciences,
and even tied a few metaphors
into complicated knots.

So she gave him a chance
and they settled down
to raise a family

that is not quite Hmong
and not quite

And in his heart
he still dreams
of the wild mountains.

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